Drainage Capacity of Levee District Increased

Alleviating the risk of flooding to homes and property from heavy rains and storm events that stress the capacity of our current reserves is a priority for district staff and board directors.

To mitigate future widespread flooding and potential damage to property and waterways, we have taken measures to increase drainage capacity and water runoff into the existing levees.

New development and increased capacity plans for a heavy rain event include the following measures.


In Lid 15, five additional mobile pumps were purchased for the Alcorn Bayou station with a total pumping capacity of 40,000 gallons per minute. Currently, 150,000 gallons per minute pumping capability is maintained at the Alcorn Bayou pump station with all pumps running.
A new pump station at Snake Slough will be completed by the 2020 hurricane season with a total capacity of 50,000 gallons per minute.

FBCLID 15 and FBCLID 19 Combined

At present, the Steep Bank Creek pump station has a capacity for 80,000 gallons per minute with all pumps running. An additional 12 mobile pumps have been purchased, adding a total capacity of 81,000 gallons per minute. These units will remain deployed at Steep Bank throughout hurricane season.

Design for expansion of the Steep Bank Creek pump station is underway and will increase capacity to 150,000 gallons per minute. Construction for the expanded watershed is planned to commence in the first quarter of 2020.

While these measures will go a long way to alleviate some of the risks of flooding, residents are encouraged to prepare themselves and their property for any future emergency. Staying abreast of extreme weather events and having a plan for evacuation or sheltering in place ahead of an emergency are vital steps. For detailed information on how to prepare for emergency weather, please visit https://fbcoem.org/prepare/build-a-kit/#.