Stay Off the Levees

With the current Stay at Home order in place, residents have been actively walking through our community. While that is your choice, the LID 15 and LID 19 board of directors wanted to remind everyone that walking on the levees is not permitted. Residents can face criminal penalties.

Over the past few weeks, operators have seen more than just walkers as motorcycle and four-wheeler activity has been noted. These activities are not permitted and are inherently dangerous to the rider and the structural integrity of the levee.

Please do not go on the levee. Any access of the levee to residents is forbidden and trespassers can also be subject to criminal penalties.

Flood Insurance Policy Extension

Earlier this week, the Federal Emergency Management Agency announced that they are extending the grace period to renew flood insurance. The extension is now 120 days; previously, it was 30 days. This change is directly due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the financial burden it has caused to many households. The extension applies to NFIP flood insurance policies scheduled to end between February 13 and June 15, 2020.

Additional information on this policy adjustment and any policyholder questions, please call the National Flood Insurance Program Center at 1-877-336-2627.

COVID-19 Update

While we all are dealing with the COVID-19 virus pandemic, the board of directors for your LID 15 wanted to provide a brief update on the current status of the pump stations and other operational matters.

All of the pump stations connected to LID 15 are operating at prime efficiency. We have full gravity flow, which means any rain can flow into and through the district without impediment. As such, we are not currently pumping and do not anticipate needing to have the stations pull water out of the area.

Currently, the Brazos River gauge is under 15 feet. Flood stage is at 45 feet. There is rain in the forecast over the next few weeks, but we do not anticipate that the water levels will rise to concerning levels in the near term.

Our monthly meetings continue with some alterations. We have asked non-essential consultants and LID 15 vendors not to attend but provide written updates to the board. These remain open meetings to residents, but due to the governmental restrictions on gatherings of over ten people, we may need to rotate residents into the sessions if need be.

Governor Abbott, on Monday, suspended some open meetings laws to allow for teleconferencing for governmental meetings. This will assist in the official recommendations/requirements to limit face-to-face meetings to help slow the spread of COVID-19. We, alongside our legal counsel, are currently developing procedures for the temporary changes.

All of our LID 15 team members are working hard to ensure that the water flow inside the district is not a worry.

If anything changes in the district, we will notify you on the LID 15 website, Facebook page, and if need be through emails and texts.